Hello everyone!

So Rainy Day Dreams will be on a break for the next three weeks. I’m taking this break for a couple of different reasons. I need a little time to rest, recuperate, and plan out the rest of 2022 without having to worry about posting. Also, I didn’t take the moment of silence I wanted to back in June, but I wanted to pause posting in observance of the tragedy that was the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. As part of that moment of silence though, I also wanted to attempt some fundraising to support clinics in States (like my state) that were going to be seeing drastic increases in appointments from out of state patients where trigger bans and anti-abortion legislation had gone into effect after the decision. However, I wasn’t ready to really dive into that at the time and I also kind of wanted to wait until there was a good break in the current scene.


So, while the hiatus is going, all profits from sales in both my itch.io and gumroad stores will be donated to the Fuck Bans Action Plan: The Immediate Impact Fund. This fund splits the donation between several different groups that you can read about if you click that link. I’ll be making my own donation to this fund either way, but I will match up to $300 of funds raised through my shops during this time. So go grab something fun! Or just go make a direct donation!


My second bit of news is that I made a short comic, called Modern Ghouls, that will be part of an upcoming urban fantasy anthology, Concrete Arcanum.

Modern Ghouls is a Usual Haunts alt-universe story. It features Jamie and Mathilde hanging out, being vampire pals, staving off some overly affectionate clowns, and getting coffee. It’s 100% sfw because this anthology is all ages XD Click that link and follow the campaign so you’ll be notified right when it launches.


My last piece of news is that I’ve got a new creative project cooking. It’s that I’m currently making a new human! Jokes aside, I’m pregnant and, assuming all continues to go well, will be having a baby at the end of January. Taylor and I are very excited to ruin our carefree adult lives and sleep schedules with parenthood. I don’t believe I’ve mentioned this before here, but I actually had a miscarriage back in February. It really sucked, for all kinds of reasons, (though it sucked a little less because I had access to abortion care procedures that are standard for treating miscarriage, but conservative legislators are outlawing in too many states) so I’m really happy and relieved things have been smooth sailing so far. Fingers crossed they continue to. I’ve been really anxious about sharing the news too much just in case I have to pull a “lol jk all, I’m having a really bad time now actually.”


So what does this mean for the future of RDD? Well, hopefully not too much, but we’ll all just have to take things one day at a time together. I am planning to take webcomic maternity leave for three or four months. That will either start in February or at the end of Chapter 18. Whichever comes first :p I’d really like to have Chapter 18 done before the wiggler gets here, but there might not be enough weeks to pages between now and then. I’m hoping to get some guest art to post during the break so you all will still have something to check back in on each week. I’m going to try and have the call for guest art information ready to go when the comic comes back from hiatus, so if you’re interest in contributing now’s a great time to start brainstorming what you might like to do! I’m going to offer a small amount of payment as a thank you for as many people as I can. It won’t be commission rates, but I’m like to give something to folks.

Alright, that’s all from me for now! I’ll catch you all again in three weeks~
