Would you look at that clock? What a good clock! Clock is definitely most important thing on the page.


So bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds. I’m going to have to leave you on this cliffhanger for a bit. I’d been planning on doing a little hiatus coming up here soon, but I unfortunately had some another really bad spell of computer luck. Somehow, a few weeks back, I managed to delete four pages of yet to be posted comic, that hadn’t been backed up yet, from my computer. I have since re-finished them, but I really took a big hit to the art making moral. That, in addition to the site going down a before that, just really made me feel like the universe was saying “Don’t make comic!” Or at least, “You need to take a break from posting comic.”

Honestly, this chapter has been rough because of the length. I haven’t been able to take the every now and then week or two off of posting at the end of a chapter like I had been previously with shorter chapters. So, while it pains me to do so, I’m going to go on a posting break through the end of the year. In the meantime, during November, I’ll be posting some fan art for you all to enjoy (and possibly some fanfic!). My goal is to have the community event ready to begin submissions for in December. So keep checking back in and don’t forget to vote in the poll!

I will also continue to update with monthly pages on Patreon. So if you can’t wait two months to see what happens next, nows a great time to pledge. It’s also a great time, because I’ll be posting about the new series I have in the works over there. It’s called Usual Haunts and it’s going to be a sexy (nsfw) vampire slice of life. Here is a (visually) sfw preview:

I’ll be testing out a payment-first model with Usual Haunts, so except to see me posting about a Kickstarter for it’s chapter 1 sometime in 2022. If it works out, I think that I’ll be adopting that model for the re-draw chapters of a future RDD Book 2 and chapters moving forward.