And we end on something cute and fluffy :3


Alright! This isn’t the end of the chapter, but it is the end of pages for now. As mentioned at the end of January, I’m going to take 5 months off from posting starting in March. This hiatus will be my comic maternity leave. It may end up longer, but I’ll post an update in July one way or another. If I end up extending it, I’ll likely try to aim for October for a return to regular posting. In the meantime, I have a few pieces of guest art to share with you all in place of regular updates. I don’t have enough to post one a week like I have in the past so guest art will just be posted the first Tuesday of the month during the break.


In baby news, I had a baby! He’s just over a month old at this point which is wild. The three of us are doing well, though Taylor and I are definitely tired pretty much all of the time X’) I was having a pretty rough time with some post-partum baby blues early on. You can read about it in my Hourly Comics from this year if you’d like. I think they’ve mostly cleared up at this point, but it’s hard to say some times. I sure do love that little baby though. He’s the best, most cute baby as far as I’m concerned.

I still haven’t had much time for art. I’ve snuck some doodles in here and there, but newborns really are a two handed, full-time job. Which is great for watching a ton of movies and shows I’d been putting off seeing, but less great for doing art of any kind.


One final announcement, between baby needs I managed to upload the complete first chapter of Usual Haunts to my store! You can get it by itself or bundled with the Kickstarter bonus sketch comic, Self Care Sexting.