Look at all these good boys! Aesthetically good anyway. I guess it’s up to you to decide if you think they’re morally good or not.
Archive for desmond
I should go. (A note on that video, it’s really only amusing up until the 1:45 mark.) Also, Mara, Tristin, and Michael had a cameo in a recent Sister Claire page! If you haven’t read Sister Claire before, I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh no our new sharp friend!! :O Should I have done a content warning for dissolving vampire? Too late now I guess. Mothman looks pretty upset about the whole thing. Tune in again tomorrow for a news post!
Welcome to the New Year! Hello 2019. Here’s to you being a good one! Some author behind the scenes info on this page, Mara’s very good and cool jump roll was added super last minute to the script. Pretty much[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Troubling news. Also, it’s the final countdown ♪♫♬ To the Shipping Contest close date. If you haven’t submitted your votes yet, get on over there and do it! You’ve only got two weeks left!!
Mara: Why would we want more friends? This week is your absolute chance to submit your ships to 2019’s Shipping Contest! Voting closes the 19th (Saturday night!) so get them in if you haven’t. Or if you have? I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh it’s such a good page <3 I feel like I’ve been saying that every page, but do you see all the good Maras and Aldui and Desmonds?? Also isn’t this stuff so good and cute compared to all the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Have you guys notice how good and cute Aldus is??? Especially in that second panel :3 That’s how I look too when someone brings me a much needed coffee.